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New Release:

This coastal adventure for kids
of all ages will bring your senses
to life!


Pownal Street Press is thrilled to announce the June publication Have You Ever Heard a Whale Exhale? A picture book written by Caroline Woodward and illustrated by Claire Victoria Watson.

 In this splash of a tale, author Caroline Woodward and illustrator Claire Victoria Watson take the reader on an exploratory journey through the senses. From sun-warmed rocks to crackling campfires, this is one book that leaps with the dolphins and barks with the sea lions. On a journey of touch, taste, sight and smell, this whale of a tale urges littles to explore their surroundings — and imagine the rest.

Watson cements her reputation as a visual chronicler of the British Columbia’s West Coast in visually arresting, light-hearted illustrations that neatly complement and augment the text.
— Ginny Ratsoy

Colouring Page

Please enjoy this FREE downloable colouring page inspired by our new book “Have You Ever Heard A Whale Exhale?”

If you are a restaurant, school, organization or business that wants to print them for your clients, customers (or to keep their kids happy) or students then I am totally fine with that too. All I ask is you leave my contact info at the bottom of the page please. Enjoy! If you use them and find value in them, please consider donating to my coffee addiction (but no pressure). Thanks!

I also have a ridiculously large selection of west coast colouring pages that are also free for download here.


 " Have You Ever Felt The Freezing North Wind Blow?”
