Happy New Year
WANTED: Turkey Bandit and accomplices. Probably moving slowly after all that turkey, yams, potatoes, roasted veg and stuffing. Seems to have opposable thumbs. May have a greasy face, bloated belly and still be carrying a container of his leftovers. Thanks for leaving us the cranberry sauce.
Another Christmas come and gone. It honestly feels like yesterday that I was putting down LAST years tree! This season seemed short and sweet. We spent some time before Christmas in Victoria, Sooke and Mayne Island visiting family, then picked up our eldest daughter and brought her home for a few days over Christmas. It’s never enough time to really get quality visits with everyone, but I suppose thats just how it is when family is spread around like that. Tofino is tough to come to at that time of year… especially when living on a boat as there isn’t really room to put family or friends up and hotel accommodation can be pricey and pretty elusive over those popular days. Nevertheless, it was really nice to just stop and be present. This was also the first Christmas with our new stove, and Adam finished the salon table the week before so we could actually sit around a table and not our laps! I am not sure if those are the reasons it was easily the best Christmas dinner we have ever had, or if it was the company, or the food. Apparently the racoons thought so too… they were waiting patiently for us to put all our leftovers in the cooler outside (not a big enough fridge indoors). Those sneaky buggers managed to get in, and open click lock containers too. Perhaps that made our dinner even better… the fact that we didn’t get the opportunity to get sick of leftovers. 🤣
So here I am… writing a post, drinking coffee, and getting ready to take down this years tree. The week between Christmas and New Years is always a good one. I have no idea what day of the week it is, but I do know that I am already scheming and planning, writing lists and goals…excited for a new year. Wishing you all the best for 2020!!
Artist In Action at The Wickininnish Inn: I feel pretty honoured to have been asked to join The Wickaninnish Inn to help ring in the new year as an ‘Artist In Action’. Looking forward to doing some drawing/painting in their super cozy Driftwood Café, while the forecasted wintery winds blow outside on Chesterman Beach! I'll be there at the following times. Come say hi!
Monday, December 30th: 4:00pm - 7:00pm (opening reception)
Tuesday, December 31st: 10:00am - 4:00pm
Wednesday, January 1st: 10:00am - 4:00pm
Thursday, January 2nd: 10:00am - 1:00pm
Each month I offer free west coast inspired colouring pages that are published and distributed in Tofino Time Magazine. They are also available for download here (scroll down to the button below), and on the Tourism Tofino website. If you would like them to come straight to your inbox each month as I am planning to start doing that for 2020, please sign up for my mailing list (yeah, that annoying pop up). Personally I hate getting a bunch of spamming emails, so I promise to keep it to a maximum of once a month! Please feel free to download them for personal use. If you are a restaurant, school or business that wants to print them for your clients, customers (or to keep their kids happy) or students then I am totally fine with that too. All I ask is you leave my contact info at the bottom of the page please.