surfboard art

Tofino Boardwalk

The Tofino Boardwalk (put on by the Tofino Arts Council) is a collection of 20 embellished surfboards created by 20 of Tofino’s Local artists. The project aims to bring together ART, SURF and Business in a creative partnership that expresses our community’s love of the ocean. 

The boards are located throughout Tofino in various sponsored locations (August to October's Tofino Time contains a centerfold map). In early spring 2017 the TAC will be hosting a gala where all the boards will be auctioned off. Proceeds will go to further the support of arts in Tofino, to kids surf and ocean based programs at Wickaninnish Elementary and a small portion to the artists. More information about the Tofino Boardwalk can be found on the Tofino Arts Council website

Fluid Forest is the board I painted for the project and is located at Storm Light Outfitters on Main Street in Tofino. 

Surfboard Art... A new kind of board for me

The Rip Curl Pro was this weekend in Tofino and hundreds of wave watchers came to our little town to watch some of Canada's best. There were plenty of Tofitians in the mix, both young and old and some out of towners also venturing out in our frigid west coast waters.

I was asked to attend the Rip Curl Pro Photo Showdown event at The Shore as essentially an art installation painting a surfboard live during the event. Of course I was a little nervous as I had never painted live... Even in the 12 years of creating chalk art signs, I NEVER did them on site! Luckily a couple of pals loaned me their boards so I could practice, so once the event came I felt confident enough to pull it off in those conditions. The problem now is that I absolutely love painting on them so I have a feeling there will be many more in my future!

(Scroll to 1:48 on the video below for a teenie cameo of me! haha)

Painting this beautiful new Aftanas to the sweet sounds of Vince Vaccaro... For a while he was jamming with Tom Curren who made a guest appearance to the event. A very different work environment than my little studio!

Painting this beautiful new Aftanas to the sweet sounds of Vince Vaccaro... For a while he was jamming with Tom Curren who made a guest appearance to the event. A very different work environment than my little studio!
